Sunday, December 16, 2012


I wanted to blog about reading the bible, kind of an elaborate way to point out how redundant it is to believe in a mythical old man with a beard in the sky.  It turned into a little more than that when I realised just how flimsy a story the Catholic and Christian religions were based on.  But it wasn't just them, it was other religions around the world.
  As far back as I can remember I have always been associated, even if only in a very small way, to one religion or another but however hard I tried I could never get that total immersion and blind following that I had seen in my friends when it came to the dedicated belief in a god.  Whenever I prayed or laid hands or spoke in tongues or any one of the myriad practices those of the religious persuasion partook of, I had the deep seeded feeling I was just pretending.  Trying to fit in.

Investigating other creation beliefs around the world seems to be the first place I should start and that is, indeed, the first part of this blog.  That is the first question to be answered in a series of blogs dedicated to figuring out why some believe in a supreme being such as god.  With my past experiences in check I'm out to take an unbiased approach to this problem.  I thought long and hard and came to a number of conclusions, first, as much as I want to I just don't believe in God.  Second, as much as I have wanted to see things happen after prayer, I have never seen any kind of evidence for the existence of God.  Perhaps if I try to prove it I will disprove it... "it" being God.

I then began to to call myself agnostic.  After taking a brief look into the creation myth and a few more scratches in the dirt I could only call myself Atheist.  Then I decided to write a blog.

The next part of this blog is dedicated to the original sin and then the flood.  The reason people believe in god, as my logic explained, is because it is very hard to get ones head around the truth and an innate fear of death and the fear of the unknown and the unknowable; enter God.  God is the filler of gaps, the answer to the questions and the savior of confusion about the WHY.  

Why are we here.

I will investigate the belief that god seems to answer the big and mysterious question of HOW.

How did we get here.

I know one of the reasons behind the want to believe; god also answers one of the greatest philosophical questions in the history of intelligent life; what happens when we die.

Join me and comment, if you like, as I take a journey to explore the world of the gods and the wide range of religions that can comfort and conform us.  All these gods and religions spring from a simple idea that the skeptics call "God of the gaps".

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