Australian born Ken Ham is one of the more famous of the Christian apologists who is on a mission teaching people to be apologists. He is a very well spoken, charismatic preacher of Young Earth Creationism and his arguments are very convincing to those who are on the fence or lack the critical thinking to see through the BS. He has a "preach to the quire" approach with an answer for everything; so much so that he is the CEO of Answers From Genesis and the author of many books around that subject. Ken earned a degree in applied science, specifically environmental biology, but reading and listening to his explanations to the big questions he seems only to remember school-boy biology and extrapolates the dominant vs recessive genetics (that's the simplistic AA, BB, aa, bb explanation) into a factually and fundamentally wrong argument to show that mankind became all the races of the world from just four people that got off the Ark due to the information that was already in the genes. He also uses the example of a poodle for the same result. His explanations are a radical misunderstanding of evolution which results in misleading biologically ignorant people to believe that natural selection is not evolution and the only answer is god.
Ken has appeared many times on you tube with sermons and interviews and you don't have to go far to find out his method. His arguments are full of logical fallacies and the dogmatic hammering of the bible. In doing this he discredits the scientific method and tries to get people to suspend their disbelief and spoon feed them some of the most ridiculous answers and, like many other apologists, uses the bible to prove the bible.
The first YouTube video (below) shows how he uses those methods to convince us that the bible is empirically true.
I found it amusing that on one hand he can come out and say that the bible is gods word and everything in it is true (paraphrased) which is a dogmatic teaching and then tells of how our school teachers are dogmatically hammering the belief out of our kids which is why a growing percentage of youth do not believe in the bible. Well, Ken, there is no other way to say this; you are wrong. Kids are asking the questions and the scientific method is giving them the answers which end up contradicting the bible and with a massize amount of evidence it's easy to see which side of the argument will win out.
In other YouTube videos he takes down some of the supporters of Christianity as they have been BIOLOGOS for using scientific methods to try and prove the bible. Isn't that what Ken is also doing in part... well, when it suits his faith.
"ALREADY COMPROMISED" as they don't believe what he believes so it's truly a case of "My belief is better than yours." He takes down

With the power of copy, paste and Google I did a quick search on the top five on the list and I found no Wiki link but I did see many, many creationist web sights (mostly joined in one way or another with Answers In Genesis) so I cannot credit these scientists as being renowned, not outside of creationist circles. Taking a look down the list I see many fields which have next to nothing to do with evolution or genetics. The list starts with 193 scientists that support creation. If we take out all the scientists which have nothing to do with the field we are talking about we come to 83 scientists that are specifically or even very loosely attached to the subject at hand. I'll raise your 193 scientists who support creationism with 97% of scientific consensus in support of evolution.
If you want to ignore science (historical or observable) then don't ever go to the Dr, don't get in your car, don't live in a house and how the hell are you going to build a life sized ark? Don't go on about mans historical science being wrong and then tell us that the bible is the word of god. Science has evidence, the bible does not. End of story.
I'm happy to say there is a blog who's only purpose is to debunk and bust Answers in Genesis, it's called Answers in Genesis Busted... fitting really.
In short, Ken Ham is full of it and I'm fairly certain he knows it.
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