This blog comes with a warning, it contains images of a graphic nature and if you would like to pretend that this kind of shit does not happen in the world then don't read any further. If, on the other hand, you understand that there are some sick things that go on in our world and are prepared to face up to the fact that religion kills then you may read on; but you have been warned.
This story was brought to my attention today by a colleague of mine who said that just reading it made him sick.
I agree. That is why I found it important to not only write about the abhorrent example of mans cruelty to man but bring it graphically alive by showing you what it is that has happened.
Yes, I do this for the shock value. I do this because if you have any doubt that religion is damaging then this is exactly what you need to see and this is only one example of the kind of shit that is going on in the world. Recently we heard about the young girl who was shot in the head for asking to be educated, that story here.
Again, this is just one of the reasons why religion is a very dangerous thing, if you would like to find out about others you can check out What's The Harm. Don't get me wrong, there are a few good things that organised religion has done but on the whole it's an evil concept. Granted, this example is a hyperbole of my point but poignant none less as we time warp back to the 18th century with this sickening witch burning.
To westerners who can't understand how this can happen imagine what it is like to be part of the community that ingrains the witchcraft so far into the minds of the people that the authorities that tried to save this woman were outnumbered and couldn't get through. The total indoctrination of these people is much the same as the indoctrination of church goers in the western world. These people believe so much in the power of a prayer or a curse or conjuring up the evil enough to kill a baby through thought alone that they actually believe that this young woman killed her baby, who was in the hospital, with the power of witchcraft.
Let that sink in.
Understand that these people actually think that she is a witch, they actually think that she killed her boy whilst she was at home and her son was at the hospital. They kidnapped her then brutally murdered her by burning her alive.
Let that sink in.

So, you ask, where did all this atrocity come from? I blame the missionaries. Why do I say that? Well, the missionaries supplied the people of PNG with the bible and taught them that the bible is THE word of god and you know what? If we look through the bible this is what we find this...
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
Exodus 22:18
Any questions?
This is a thoroughly sickening act and this is an innocent woman no matter if she was in her house dancing naked around a sacrificial chicken topped alter casting spells or not. There is no connection between the woman and her boy dying outside of the paranoid delusions of a society of people that believe that an invisible man in the clouds told some guy a couple of thousand years ago that it was OK to kill someone you were afraid of.
Just look at those pictures and take in just how horrific it is that a mass of people so large the emergency services could not get in were so afraid of this poor, innocent woman that they had burn her to death. Any mother would tell you that knowing that you could loose your child is a very hard thing to go through and to be in this woman's shoes when you know that, medically, your child will probably not make it just to face a lynch mob after your blood would be the most terrifying last moments of this young woman's life. Horrific.
The photos of this gruesome public display were plastered on the font page of both of the nations papers! Talk about propagating the onerous act and apparently this is not a first; burning witches is a common thing! The process involved the torture of this 20 year old with a hot poker and stripped naked and forced to admit witchcraft that killing her 6 year old. Her death because of sorcery by being burnt became the photo op for many of the onlookers who blocked the path of emergency workers. Does anybody find anything normal here? The police say they will charge the perpetrators with murder and I will follow this story to see if they do.
I write this blog because it is a passion of mine to explore the myth of god and along the way I may even learn some cool stuff but it takes a lot of time and energy to write so if you enjoy reading this blog please make a donation by clicking the DONATE button on the right so I can put more time into creating a better blog.
Thank you all
After you wrote "evil concept," you said there was a pun. What's the pun?
Yeah, I felt some irony about the phrase but on reflection it doesn't really work so I took it out. Thank's for the feedback :)
The problem with this blog is that you fail to mention all the wonderful things those missionaries have done for this country. I doubt any of them instructed or condoned this behavior.
My 19 year old daughter is over there serving as I write this. She worked 2 jobs for months in order to raise the funds necessary to serve. Highlighting these few and random (yes, tragic) events casts nothing but fear. Do some more research, please. Make a real difference/contribution to the problems in PNG.
Greg, when you talk about there being wonderful things the missionaries have done for that country (I presume you were talking about PNG and not the USA), are you counting proselytization as one of them? If not, wouldn't it be better to leave God out of their missionary work, seeing as there seems to be a distinct possibility that Christian beliefs are doing harm to the people of PNG?
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