Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Continuing from the previous 2 posts...
We need to be concerned with more than what merely affects us personally.  This bill isn't just a simple change in the wording of a current law.  It is proposing the complete redefinition of an institution as it has existed for thousands of years.
Actually, Bob, it is just a simple change in the wording of the current law and as I have pointed out previously the institution called marriage has changed massively over it's history.  This is blatant misinformation and I believe you have pulled reason #9 out of your collective asses.
Changing the definition of something changes the way society and future generations view it and the important role it plays. We would not accept a law that changes the definition of a father to include mothers. By doing so, we would cover up reality. Definitions matter.
And so do logical fallacies which you have employed a two for one right here.  This is a non sequitur, straw man argument.
Marriage between a man and a women says to a child that mum and dad who made you will also be there to love and raise you. Although death and divorce may prevent it, the evidence shows that children do best with their biological mother and father who are married. The differences between men and women - mothers and fathers - really do matter.
Try telling that to and orphan.  Try telling that to an adopted child who receives great love from his or her parents who are not biological.  As to the evidence... well, a simple Google search with the question "do children do better with married parents" shows a number of hits with articles from religious institutes I didn't even bother with for obvious reasons but I did find an article in The Mail Online which has this to say;

There is also little consensus over whether it is money that makes people marry or it is those who marry who become better off. All political parties have said they accept it is better for children if their parents stay together rather than break up.

But yesterday's IFS report said: 'Children of married parents do better than the children of cohabiting parents in a number of dimensions, particularly on measures of social and emotional development at the ages of three and five.
'But parents who are married differ from those who are cohabiting in very substantial ways, particularly relating to their ethnicity, education and socio-economic status.
'Once we take these factors into account, there are no longer any significant differences in these child outcomes between children of married and cohabiting parents.'
The researchers also warned that 'some caution is needed in interpreting our findings', which 'require some judgment on the part of the reader'.

One of the outcomes of redefining marriage is that same-sex couples will be able to adopt non-related babies and children. Two men might individually be good fathers, but neither can be a mum. Two women might individually be good mothers, but neither can be a dad. While a compassionate society should always come to the aid of motherless and fatherless families, a wise and loving society should never intentionally create fatherless or motherless families. Deliberately depriving a child of a loving mum or a dad is not in the child's best interests.
First of all, just because a couple get married doesn't mean they want kids, secondly isn't better to have two loving parents no matter what gender they are than none at all; that's kind of the point of adoption, right?


There are many, many large, scientifically strong studies from the past four decades and earlier showing children do better with their married biological mother and father compared with any other type of family structure.  As prominent Irish homosexual and political commentator Richard Waghorn says, this is not to cast aspersions on other families, but it does underscore the importance of marriage as an institution.  Studies said to show that children of homosexuals do just as well as other children are - so far - methodologically weak, and thus scientifically inconclusive.  They certainly can't be used to justify a wholesale change to the definition of marriage or adoption laws.
This guy wouldn't know scientific methodology if it bit him on the bum, but lets explore what he has stated shall we?

The APA says there is no scientific evidence that parenting effectiveness is related to parental sexual orientation: lesbian and gay parents are as likely as heterosexual parents to provide supportive and healthy environments for their children. APA on Children Raised by Gay and Lesbian Parents

Without going into too much detail (I'll let the article speak for itself) here is a study that has been thoroughly debunked as, essentially, a fraud.  Study Created To Influence Supreme Court

And here is a very interesting article that looks at both sides but seems to conclude that children being raised by gay parents is not an issue. Gayby Boom

Stay tuned, more to come...

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